Hot Priorities at Malta Seminars
Safety, Taxation and finding a Plan B!
Ironically as South Africa celebrated Human Rights day, many are fleeing for their lives, finding ways to protect their investments, and looking for a safer future for themselves and their families.
Only today one of the highlighted articles on Moneyweb by Magnus Heysteck ‘Why foreigners are fleeing our market. Should you do the same?’ Particular to note is the speculation on the Forex allowances being cut.
Malta is the choice of many South Africans looking for a solution. As a South African, who’s personally been through this and helped many others, I know the ropes; from getting everything prepared in SA to getting you settled in Malta: One Stop Smart Solution.
Right now I am working with people wanting to invest, apply for residency or just ‘get a plek’ in case. Anyone can own property in Malta whether for residency or an investment.
I can help you every step of the way.
For a summarised ‘how to checklist’ email subject ‘maltalifestyle list’ and I’ll get it to you.
Interestingly, Top on the list of ‘Malta did you know’ –
- Favourable taxation rates, no inheritance, gift, or wealth taxes as well as no council tax in Malta.
- Malta is an independent country, member of the EU and Schengen agreement and most of the people speak English.
- Malta is one of the safest countries in Europe and not a destination of choice for refugees due to it’s Detention on Arrival policy
When you plan your ‘look see’ visit to Malta, I’ll arrange for you to make the most of your time here. We can work together on focusing on your priorities and guiding you in the right direction. There is no charge for my services and there won’t be anything added to any bills
Let’s Talk – Merle Whale
WhatsApp +35699624485
Facebook @maltalifestyle
Skype merlewhale66